An ongoing series of old cars, I find left out to pasture.
Drawn using dirt, charcoal, resin and rust collected at each site.
These works were first shown at Paper Mountain in 2021. This was my first solo show.
Out to Pasture I - SOLD
Highway to Dell - SOLD
Out to Pasture IV - SOLD
Out to Pasture II
Out to Pasture III
Out to Pasture V
FJ (the passage of time) - SOLD
Lost It
Le Blaireau
Homage to McCubbin - SOLD
Snake Road
Out to Pasture VII
Out to Pasture VI - SOLD
Out to Pasture XIV
Out to Pasture XII
Out to Pasture XI
Out to Pasture XIII
Out to Pasture VIII
Out to Pasture X - SOLD